The sad thing is that as gun related crimes get worse in cities (like here in Killadelphia) the more streetwear brands compete to see who can put more guns/brass knuckles/knives on clothing.
Another sad reality is that the people who eat this garbage up for the most part grew up nowhere near neighborhoods plagued by gun violence....typically some hipster/Kanye West wannabe wearing a shirt with an AK 47 on it and a slogan like "Shoot Shit" because its somehow the sickest shirt/hoodie out.
There are too many people in our cities that have to live in the worst conditions and I think it is disrespectful and demeaning to glorify the very things that they live in fear of every single day.
I expect people to know better and with Duke & Winston, I decided to make stuff for people that do.
Might have done wonders for my "street cred" though
I did keep my sexy woman with a gun shirt though!