D&W College Ambassador Program: Upenn

Introducing the soft launch of our college ambassador program. We will be slowly rolling out a plan to develop a nationwide college program and we are starting with one of the top schools in the nation, University of Pennsylvania. Each new school will have its own facebook page maintained by the ambassadors, check out UPenn's here UPenn facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Duke-Winston-UPenn/874933619197999

More details on the program to come soon and with no further ado, introducing our first ever college ambassadors, Allison Denenberg & Max Kurucar.

Allison Denenberg
Senior, 2015
Major: Philosophy, Politics & Economics with a concentration in Choice & Behavior and a minor in French.
What You Like About D&W: I was drawn to Duke & Winston as a Philly native, fashion enthusiast, and dog-lover! I love the casual, yet refined look of Duke & Winston products and can't wait to bring them to Penn's campus!
Future Plans: Upon graduation, I'm hoping to go into marketing (particularly within the retail industry) and eventually pursue an MBA.

Max Kurucar
Junior at Wharton, 2016
Major: Marketing
What You Like About D&W: The creative style and quality of apparel as well as The Duke himself and the chance to help the brand gain popularity around Penn’s campus.
Future Plans: My goals upon graduating are to start my own business that focuses on social impact around the country.
